Mend your relationship With your body and Mind
Empowering and inclusive therapy for diverse populations of adults, teens, and couples. I will support you with nurturing and compassionate therapy, 17+ years of social work experience and evidence-based practices, and help you on your path to a more grounded and capable you.

I have specialized eating disorder training and specialize in working with folks struggling with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), chronic illness, complicated food relationships, grief, fertility, parenting, and LGBTQ+ conception support. I am a warm and compassionate relational therapist borrowing from a variety of modalities to bring you comprehensive and individualized care.

I have over a decade of social work experience working with diverse populations of folks both outside of and within the therapeutic context. I share in your intimate lived experience of managing PCOS and the complicated intersections that come with this complex hormonal and neuroendocrine disorder. I am dedicated to body liberation and size inclusive care.

I have a flexible schedule! I am available to meet throughout the week. I am currently accepting Texas clients via a HIPAA-compliant telehealth video platform.
Through therapeutic collaboration I help folks understand what an authentic, embodied, and meaningful life may feel and look like. I am here to see you through your complicated relationship with your body, gender & sexuality, and grief. Though a specific concern might bring you in, please know you do not have to tidily fit into one of these categories as many concerns bringing us into therapy are complex and interrelated.

Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating
Our relationships with food and our bodies are deeply personal, cultural, emotional, practical, and embedded with so much meaning from the social environments we live in and messages we have received growing up. Your relationship with food isn't wrong. Your relationship with your body isn't wrong. You may feel otherwise for a whole host of reasons, but the work we do is to better understand your relationship to yourself, your needs for nourishment, and how you would like to relate to your body. We often have complicated relationships with food and our bodies for complex reasons such as trauma, living in chronic diet culture, growing up in restrictive food environments, grief, aging, medical reasons, and so much more. No matter the reason, this is not your fault.
Gender Identity & Sexuality
Trying to understand and navigate the nuances of identity can be a complex and confusing process, full of questions and uncertainty. Therapy is a place where we can dig deep into questions regarding the vast spectrum of gender and sexuality so that you can better know yourself and live a life that is authentic to you. We are LGBTQIA+ affirming and knowledgeable. You are welcome to share your full lived experience and contemplations into this space.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a complex neuroendocrine, reproductive, metabolic, and hormonal disorder. As a chronic illness that impacts the whole body, it makes sense why the condition impacts so many parts of our lives. You are not alone in the struggles that often accompany PCOS. Together, we can navigate mood symptoms, relationship to food, disordered eating, fertility concerns, chronic fatigue, body image, gender, grief, and so much more. And just in case no one has told you yet, let me be the first: You are not to blame for your PCOS. It isn’t your fault.
Nothing changes our lives like the death of a loved one. I’m here to support you as you grieve those who meant, and still mean, the world to you. The world of grief is vast, however, and that means mourning can be complicated, traumatic, or even unexpected. There is no wrong way to grieve. Grief is also not relegated only to individuals living and dying, but can extend to grieving life transitions, our bodies, states of being, ideas, beloved pets, and relationships. I am here alongside you to navigate the complex and complicated world of grief in whatever way it finds you.
You deserve radically compassionate support no matter the season you find yourself in today. Whether you are in a cycle of hibernation or new growth, you don’t have to tend to life alone.
Learn more about my holistic approach and how I can support you.

Hi, I'm Abby!
I practice from a compassionate, inclusive, relational, humorous, curious, and collaborative approach to discover how to better nourish your mind so that you may develop meaning, healing, and insight into your life. I practice from Health At Every Size ® (HAES) & body liberation frameworks. I am LGBTQ+ affirming and inclusive, sex-positive, size-celebrating, and radically accepting. My work is rooted in anti-racist, intersectional, inclusive, trauma-responsive, and liberation-focused frameworks. I understand how embodying intersecting identities impacts our experiences of discrimination and oppression in this world and invite your full-lived experience to our sessions.
Being alive is wild and beautiful, but also not without confusion, pain, and grief. You may be struggling with an eating disorder, experiencing body image difficulties, PCOS, chronic illness, or a disability. Perhaps you are grieving a loved one or navigating gender identity or sexuality.